Community-based micro-planning
CARE with the support of VRTI have helped 51 communities to
complete village development plans

Comprehensive plan development
CARE and VRTI have developed a long-term, or “perspective,” plan
and road map for achieving sustainable results in the 224 villages

Community Mobilization for Formation and strengthening of
people based organizations

57 Self Help Groups of women have been promoted. 54 groups of
livestock have been organized.

Training for community members on improved agriculture
Training sessions have been facilitated by Scientist of Dry Land Farming
Research Institute, Kothara and Agricultural specialist of VRTI

Lift irrigation
31 % farmers of the project area is availing irrigation facility in all

Cattle feed Centre (CFC)
13 cattle feed centers has been set up in villages, centre will be run on a
profit making basis and will be managed by the working committee of
livestock rearers institutions

Training on Cattle Feed Center Management
19 change agent have been trained to addressed the issues of quality
control, and good practices of feeding.

Organization of vaccination camps
Total 7 Vaccination camps have been organized and Total 4099 cattle’s
have been benefited in the form of vaccination and medication,
Government has provided the support of veterinary doctor and major

Training to Para-vet Health Workers
20 Para veterinary health workers have been trained live stock issues
particularly on animal health, feeding management and artificial

Financial Access for Improved Livelihood
total of 57 SHGs with 462 women members have been organized and
formed for mainstream credit linkages. About 434 members of 45 SHGs
have been orientated through training sessions, conducted at different

Capacity building of change agents

Setting up of a Revolving Incubation Fund
A revolving fund of Rs.300,000/-has been established to provide
incubation support to cluster and that will be linked to individual groups
as seed capital.

Convergence Meeting with National Dairy Development Board

(NDDB) for setting up Milk Collection Centres:
5 Milk collection centres have been set up in two clusters of Lakhpat and
Abdasa in consultation with district representative of NDDB. It is also
the common agreement between NDDB, CARE and PNGO VRTI that
the project will identify the potential villages for milk collection and
share it with NDDB